10 Random Tips for Student Conductors
Which paw do we use to hold the baton with, Sergei Vasilyevich? I like writing notes and making lists - it's one of my nerdy hobbies. I also enjoy attending orchestral rehearsals and watching other conducting students' lessons (at the Con this is not only encouraged but generally expected). In the last few years of studying in Saint-P, I've been able to observe lessons and masterclasses by great local and visiting conductors including Yuri Simonov, Alexander Dmitriev, Alexander Polyanichko, Alexander Polischuk, Vladimir Altshuler, Bruno Weil, Jonathan Brett, Colin Metters, Mark Stringer and many others. Also I was lucky enough to be one of the active participants for Vasily Sinaisky's conducting masterclass with our Con orchestra. So I thought I'd share with you 10 tips and quotes from various teachers and professors in the past that I've found helpful as a conducting student (they're in no particular order by the way). Please note that I can't...